Artist Statement

I consider art a bridge.

I use it to cross from ordinary, everyday life into “another country.” This place is akin to a dream “landscape.” Colors are brighter, more intense. When I am there, time has little meaning, at least temporal time. There is a sense, rather, of being part of eternity. I simply follow the dictates of my hands and heart. Intuition is magnified. I have frequent conversations with angels and archetypes. We speak symbolically: everything is rich with meaning, and import. I am given tasks to attempt, and insights about how to perform them. My spirit sings ~ it feels completely, blissfully, at home.

It brings me great joy when I venture onto, and even over, another artist’s bridge. I have a deep visceral sense of what their art is trying to say.

A similar euphoria results from someone else coming into “my country.” Sometimes they ask me to help them cross my bridge. Sometimes they are just suddenly there, and we converse in the same dialect. We often experience laughter, tears, very personal conversation and a recognition of our affinity.

12 Responses to Artist Statement

  1. Hi Carol, I loved your work at the Fusions show at Greenwood Quiltery. I asked Christine, ” How does she do that?” Now I see in my latest issue of Q’Arts your wonderful article! I will soon know how you do it! I am sure that we met at Threadworks, Sandra Meech workshop. Do you remember? Well I am the program person for the Oakville Stitchery Guild and I am always looking for talented people to either speak to our group or do a workshop. Let me know if you do either. I look forward to chatting to you, sometime, sincerely, Donna
    I love your art work! That’s my comment and congratulations on your article in QA. MY blog is

  2. carolwiebe says:

    Donna, I am replying at last (although I did reply to you, personally). I would be delighted to come to the Oakville Stitchery Guild: I’ve heard a lot about you! And having taken a workshop with the indomitable Sybil Rampen, I am always happy for another chance at connecting with her, as well!

  3. thanks so much for your email – and the direction to your website which contains so much information…. great to connect with you again. Have read your article in QA which is very easy to follow – you explained well. I must confess I bought the magazine, i.e. by reading the cover on the magazine shelf of my favourite bookseller here, because of Gloria Hansen’s article re digital imaging. You probably noted that Gloria designed my website. So it is a bonus to have your article as well!! Yes, I am still quiltmaking – cannot help it!! As much as I visually enjoy the embellished work, it is still the piecing, fusing etc of fabric in simpler designs that intrigues me, as well as computer images on fabric…not enough time to develop in depth so many other creative and imaginative images with fabrics!!!!! so I will plod on…..Your method of printing and collaging is quite exciting.

    Wishing you the best in your quiltmaking and fabric art – do keep in touch
    best regards, marilyn

  4. What a beautiful statement Carol.
    I love the bridge as metaphor to the place where temporal time is suspended, and and intuition is honored. We are members of the same tribe I think.

  5. carolwiebe says:

    Leslie, we are definitely art sisters.

  6. Nancy Nelson says:

    I was delighted you mentioned Leonard Cohen in your QA article. I’ve been Leonard-nuts for a couple of years and sometimes fantasize about making little books containing his song lyrics.

    About the “Anthem” quote: Did you realize LC took his inspiration for it from Ralph Waldo Emerson? He wrote, “There is a crack in everything God has made.”

    I wish you continued success in your many endeavors!


  7. carolwiebe says:

    Thank you so much for your comment, Nancy. I think Cohen is brilliant and he has led such a fascinating life.

    Your wishes for my success are an energy you send my way that is much appreciated. I send you that energy as well: may you find the stimulus for growth and ever greater joy on your creative path.

  8. Deb Sims says:

    Carol, I think we must get together one day and have a long heart to heart. So much of what you say and what you do rings bells in my heart.

  9. sandrar says:

    Hi! I was surfing and found your blog post… nice! I love your blog. :) Cheers! Sandra. R.

  10. Your Artist Statement is uncommonly refreshing!

    • carolwiebe says:


      I have been thinking about you, wondering how you are doing, thinking we should connect, and here is a comment from you. Thank you!

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