Giveaway Inspired By One World, One Heart

I visited a lot of wonderful blogs that participated in this event last year, and decided I would take part this year. Talk about a one stop giveaway bonanza: visit One World One Heart logo to find out more (the logo is also clickable).I am offering a collage painting for the giveaway: Invoking Clarity (10″ x 8″). In order to be eligible for the draw for this painting, you simply need to leave me a comment on this post. I will pick the winner on February 15th (by drawing a name), so leave your comment by midnight, February 14 (Valentine’s Day).

Invoking Clarity ~ © Carol Wiebe (right click for a bigger view)

Invoking Clarity ~ side view. (This piece is ready to hang on your wall.)

With the full power of the moon behind her, this woman invokes clarity. But clarity does not necessarily arrive quickly, in an easily discernible package, hovering just above our gaze before wrapping us in its bright tendrils. Rather, we piece all the various small revelations together, and begin to fathom a more spacious vision with each shining quilt, or painting, or poem that we complete.

Perhaps completion is not the direction we want to move towards, with its suggestion of closure.

What we really seek is a perpetual opening, a ceaseless unfolding, until we become so expansive that everything else is part of us, and we of it.

About Carol Wiebe

Art entices, inspires, and delights me. Art is a vehicle for laughter, tears, wonder, enlightenment--taking me on a constant path of discovery. You can't say that about housework (except, perhaps, for the crying part).
This entry was posted in Carol's Art, Inspiration and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

182 Responses to Giveaway Inspired By One World, One Heart

  1. Sandy says:

    Oh wow this is very impressive.

    Please count me in. Thanks.
    Your chance to win mine:
    You can find me on the red carpet on Number 59. Thanks.

  2. Moriah says:

    Great giveaway! Please add my name to the hat! Don’t forget to head over to my blog (#98 on the magic carpet) for a chance to win, too!

  3. Aileen says:

    Beautiful piece!

    Thanks for participating, please stop by my blog for a chance to win also :-)

    Happy Creating!


  4. Kelly says:

    Great giveaway! Please enter my name! Pop over to my blog (#92 on the magic carpet) for a chance to win, too! :)

  5. Donna says:

    Thanks for offering this great gift and Thanks so much for a chance to win!

  6. Kathy Lauman says:

    Please count me in, I’d be honored to have your artwork.

  7. cory says:

    What a beautiful piece…please count me in. And, please visit my blog to enter my giveaway.

  8. Sandi says:

    It’s lovely! You have created a beautiful piece. Please enter me in your drawing.

  9. Kathy says:

    I would love to have a piece of your artwork. Count me in!

  10. Sylvia says:

    Begin to fathom what my two boys will be like as men? Great post, makes you think….

    Happy OWOH…


  11. Michelle says:

    What a beautiful piece of art. Happy one world one heart from australia.


  12. Linda Kelleher says:

    What an awesome piece, as thought provoking as it is beautiful!

  13. Deb Sims says:

    Whoo Hoo! Count me in! I love this piece, Carol!

  14. Maria Davis says:

    Carol !!

    I hope to win this piece and beautiful colors it has. It would loook perfect in my studio (spare bedroom).


  15. Hi Carol, Fantastic!, here’s my name: Donna

  16. Marie says:

    Hi! Welcome to One World One Heart, it’s so much fun! This is really beautiful, thank you for sharing it with all of us! Wishing you much peace, M

  17. Hannele says:

    Beautiful piece of art, please add me also to the list of willing owners =) Regards, from wintry Finland, Hannele

  18. Brianna Rocko says:

    Count me in on this one!

  19. Jennifer in Olympia says:

    hello Carol,
    you’ve evoked feelings we’ve all likely had…. looking for direction, feeling for the best next path, hoping for some magic to get sprinkled into the mix…. it’s a beautiful piece of art!

  20. Jingle says:

    This is beautiful and your commentary on the piece is so wonderful! Thank you for such a great giveaway!

  21. Deb Sims says:

    “What we really seek is a perpetual opening, a ceaseless unfolding, until we become so expansive that everything else is part of us, and we of it.”
    This may be the most profound thing I’ve heard you say. I love it because it is what I seek–a ceaseless unfolding! Thank you for putting it into such eloquent words.

    • carolwiebe says:

      It is wonderful what our work inspires in us, isn’t it, Deb? I know yours does the same for you, as well.

      I paint and collage and stitch, usually accompanied by emotions and ideas but seldom are they really articulate ~ until the piece is done. Then I can study it, and decipher what it has to say to me. And, I hope, to someone else as well. So thank you for that.

  22. diana says:

    love your painting! very inspiring……

  23. Astrid says:

    This looks wonderful! Love the colours. What a great giveaway, please count me in and if you have time, come and visit mine (#154)
    Greetings from bonny Scotland

  24. barb says:

    When i hear words that speak to my spirit i actually get goose bumps – this is another chapter for that self help book, honey!

  25. Judith says:

    The collage painting is beautiful.

  26. carolwiebe says:

    Thank you, everyone, for your encouraging comments. It will be a pleasure to send this painting to any one of you!

  27. Malisa says:

    What a wonderful blog! Please sign me up for your marvelous drawing and then come visit me…I am participating in OWOH too…number 333 on the Magic Carpet! I am off to read more on your blog and I am looking forward to it!

  28. Sprite says:

    Wow, thought provoking and beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win this piece. I’m OWOH # 266, please visit to say hi and enter when you have a moment :) So nice to meet you!


  29. Tanya says:

    Thanks so much for the chance to win one of your beautiful artworks

  30. That’s nice, I love how it wraps around the edges too. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing your blog.
    It’s good to meet you!

  31. Jodi Davis says:

    Invoking Clarity is a wonderful piece. I would love to have this hanging on my wall. Please include me in your drawing.

  32. Krissy says:

    What a beautiful piece!

  33. Caryl says:

    Gorgeous painting! I’d love to be entered!

  34. Debby says:

    WOW!!! This is a fabulous piece. I love the colors and the texture, beautiful. Would love to be entered in your giveaway.

  35. Arya says:

    Beautiful! What a stunning piece of creativity that would look scrumptious on my wall.

  36. I’m invoking clarity by seeing how lovely this piece would look in my home. I’m totally psyched about this piece. Love it.

  37. Shaiha says:

    I am having so much fun hitting all these wonderful blogs! Please enter me in your great giveaway.

  38. Tamara says:

    What a wonderful giveaway you’re offering! I’d love to enter and you can enter on my blog as well. #227 on the magic carpet.

  39. Candy says:

    Thank you for a chance to win such a great offering!!
    OWOH #473

  40. Mendy says:

    OHHH this would look AMAZING on my wall!!!! I LOVE how peaceful it is, just looking at it will have me calm down and relax.. Oh I absolutely LOVE this!! please pick me random generator!! thank you for this amazing giveaway, count me in! xo Mendy

  41. Janny says:

    This is gorgeous! Great give away please count me in. I have something at my Blog also;o)

  42. Deedles says:

    What a wonderful piece of art! Please include me.

  43. roc says:

    wow..gorgeous. what a wonderful giveaway. please enter me.

  44. This is beautiful! Please enter me to win it!
    Come and join my magic carpet ride too!

  45. Becky says:

    Gorgeous!Count me in please I would love to win!~~Becky

  46. sewfunky says:

    Really nice giveaway!
    Please enter me in the draw and don’t forget to enter mine.

  47. lulu says:

    Hi Carol – Thank you for taking the timeto comment on my blog. I like what you are writing about here and will be back to read more Please include me in your giveaway – this is a lovely piece!
    : ) lulu

  48. Beautiful, absolutely beautiful!

  49. jood says:

    Great gift!
    Thanks for sharing.

  50. Alice says:

    A beautiful piece of art–and I’d love to win it!

  51. geni says:

    Love your blog and giveaway!
    Fly to my OWOH blog (#7) at Loose Ends and take a chance on winnning my giveaway too!

  52. This is so pretty. Please count me in

    #350 on the magic carpet ride

  53. dottydotty says:

    that is stunning please enter me and why not pop over for a visit i am just above you at 370

  54. Caitlin says:

    Your work is so pretty! :)


  55. Wow, wow, wow. I just loved this piece as soon as I saw it. It is so evocative and lovely. I’d be honoured to have the opportunity to win it and welcome it into my home.

  56. Shazza says:

    lovely work, please enter me

  57. Martina says:

    What a gorgeous artwork, Carol !
    I`m happy to have a chance of winning you wonderful giveaway.
    Please visit mine as well (I´m number 17 !!!)
    Thanks and best wishes
    MARTINA from Stuttgart/Germany

  58. Halyna says:

    Another beautiful piece Carol!

  59. Kate says:

    Such a stunning piece. Anyone would be thrilled to own this – a very generous giveaway.

  60. Moonfairy says:

    Please add my name to your draw. The painting is beautiful :)

  61. Halle says:

    Stunning…would love to own this piece.
    Stop by my giveaway when you have a chance #257

  62. Zenobias Haven says:

    so very creative…love ur blog…may i satay around for awhile?

  63. Donna says:

    Nice to meet you and visit your blog! Love this giveaway! I am having so much fun looking at all the wonderful blogs. I don’t have a blog, due to arthritis I cannot type much at all but I enjoy surfing the net. Thank you for a chance to win.

  64. Michelle says:

    Lovely work….please count me in. :)

  65. Marianna says:

    This is absolutely beautiful, not just the piece, but your explanation of the nature the piece evokes.
    Would love to display this on my wall!

  66. PEA says:

    Such a delightful giveaway, I would so love to win your lovely collage painting:-) Please enter my name in your giveaway and make sure you come over to enter mine, I’m #116. Thank you! xox

  67. Holly says:

    Really wonderful! Thanks so much for the chance to win! (I’m #811)

  68. Heidi says:

    Your collage painting is so beautiful. The image is inspiring, and your technique is amazing.
    Thanks for hopping aboard this magic carpet ride. I hope you get a chance to visit my blog #258 on your journey.
    hugs from ON, Canada

  69. What a beautiful work of art! thank you so much for the chance to enter your giveaway. This would look lovely in my art room!
    I am # 650 if you get the chance to drop by…

  70. Lovely,lovely! I would love to be entered to win your wonderful gift!

    Please stop by and enter my give away as well! I’m number 290

  71. Janice says:

    What a fabulous giveaway. Please enter my name, thank you.

  72. Stunning piece! I’m so happy the magic carpet brought me by today! Hugs, Terri

  73. martha brown says:

    This painting is fantastic!! Please enter me into your draw — thank you!

  74. Lisa says:

    Simply breathtaking …. this piece says so much.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  75. polinka says:

    What a pretty giveaway, please add me and feel free to come to my blog too.

  76. True :) says:

    It is a true pleasure to meet you.
    Thanks for offering such sweet candy!
    Your painting is a jaw dropper! I have a spotlight all ready to shine on it!
    Crossing my fingers and holding my breath!
    You have an AWESOME blog!
    I am now a follower. I would love it if you followed me too!
    I am #458 on The “Carpet Ride”.
    Hope you will come check out my blog candy too!
    You could win a high-end, handmade, artists greeting card plus surprise crafting goodies. I also have a $50.00 shopping spree to Embellish-Online blog candy going right now!
    True :)

  77. MaryBeth I says:

    love it – very spiritual

    misaacmom at gmail dot com
    #752 OWOH ticket holder

  78. Hope G says:

    isn’t that lovely? It would have place of pride in my home…

  79. What a gorgeous painting! Please include me in your giveaway and come enter mine!

    (#185 A Vintage Cottage Home)

  80. Trianna says:

    Thanks for the chance to win, its lovely. Trianna from Victoria Canada.

  81. Flipsi says:

    Oh wow, it’s a wonderful giveaway. Please count me in. Thanks.

  82. Oh you are one talented Chiccie, so nice to meet you on this magical ride!

    Please count me in for this stunning art piece…

    Fly to my blog, ticket holder #873, and enter my giveway for a Eco Linen Bag!

    Much love…

    Julie in Sydney, Australia xxx

  83. nfmgirl says:

    Wow! I love this! Please count me in. Thanks so much!

    #273 on the Magic Carpet tour (southwest Florida, USA)

  84. Excellent, what a great giveaway! Please enter my name! I hope you will drop by my blog (#431 on the magic carpet) for a chance to win, too! :)

  85. K. Jones says:

    “The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place; from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider’s web”. By Pablo Picasso

    This art piece is beautiful and magical. It really speaks to me, so I do hope I’m the winner. Thanks so much for offering such a wonderful painting.

    Happy travels!

    Please be sure to check out my giveaway with this OWOH event at

    Bright blessings from Las Vegas, NV

  86. anji says:

    “Invoking Clarity” is amazing. I love it. I would love a chance to win. Please enter me in your giveaway.


  87. Hi “Giveaway Inspired B One World, One Heart & Silver'” what a lovely idea and post you have. I love the beautiful work of art involking clarity. I’d love to win. I absolutely love your gift. Please take time to visit my blog, too, for a chance to win my book, 16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood. I’m working on getting all the country flags. I promise to revisit your’s too.


  88. Grace Wong says:

    great giveaway, I’d love to win your art!

  89. Donna Warrington says:

    Please include me in your giveaway….

    Blessings from Maryland,

  90. joy says:

    Please add my name to the hat :o)

  91. Kathy says:

    I’d love to win!
    Thanks for an enchanting stop on the magic carpet!
    Outrageous joy,
    Kathy over at Everyday Bliss
    #111 on the blog tour

  92. Susan says:

    Greetings from Salem ! Such fun traveling by magic carpet to visit new and old friends. lovely giveaway please enter me too! Susan I invite you to visit my blog giveaway I have fresh baked brownies andcinnamon tea prepared for my visitors!
    thank you

  93. Debra Abel says:

    Very cool, love the texture!Please add my name to the growing list for a chance!

  94. Rich Witch says:

    *´*•.¸ ★*´*SUPERB!*´*•★ ¸.•*´*•

    Please count me in!


    ★Rich Witch★

    Please visit me for a Most Magical Prize at:

  95. Jax says:

    What a great giveaway! Thanks so much for the chance to win.

  96. Julie says:

    What a beautiful piece. I’d love to be entered in the drawing. Thanks for the chance.

  97. Marie S says:

    What a beautiful painting, please count me in.
    If you get a chance fly by on your carpet, I am #907.
    Thank you for participating in OWOH.
    So very very nice to meet you.

  98. Yasmin Sabur says:

    Hello from southern California, USA, one world, one heart.


  99. Rob says:

    Hi Carol,

    Thanks for the opportunity to win this beautiful painting, I enjoyed reading her story too. Please enter me in the draw. Please come by and visit me at #70 on the Magic Carpet Ride and enter into my draw. Great meeting you, enjoy the ride.


  100. Monica says:

    It’s nice to meet you! Thank you for the chance to win one of your wonderful creations. Your painting is beautiful. Don’t forget to stop by all 3 of my blogs and enter my giveaways too!

  101. What a lovely prize… count me in please…
    fly on over to my place #747… OOroo… Bethel

  102. Susan G says:

    What talent you have! Beautiful painting :)

    anyone wouldbe lucky toreceive it!

    be well andbe warm :)

    I am new to blogging (blog being built) but not to art. I hope you will include me in this wonderful giveaway!

    Best of luck to all your visitors :)

    Greetings from the New Jersey Shore,USA

  103. ria nirwana says:

    Such a wonderful gift! Please count me in….and do pop in my blog to see what I put on my magic carpet! *wink

    Have a nice day!

  104. Sally Jane says:

    Love your work Carol. Please enter me for a chance to win!

  105. gabriela says:

    Just beautiful!!!
    Greetings from Ohio!
    OWOH #322

  106. Cassie says:

    Beautiful! Wow oh wow! Lovely! Amazing! I don’t know what else to say but I sure would like to be entered for a chance to win this.

  107. rusted wings says:

    lovely offering!
    drop by my blog #774!

  108. Marie says:

    Thank you for the opportunity to win this amazing giveaway! Please enter my drawing. I’m #387 on the magic carpet!

  109. Wanda Eash says:

    Hello and greetings from NW Arkansas! What a terrific giveaway!!! Please enter me into your drawing and be sure to stop by my blog for a chance to win, too. #56

  110. cory says:

    Hi Carol…love this piece, please count me in.

  111. kari says:

    Lovely! Thanks for the chance.

  112. What a beautiful painting and message. Please count me in your giveaway and thank you for sharing your generous heart! Hugs, Tamara :)

  113. jasmine says:

    Carol, your picture is so cool. And since invoking charity is the theme, if I am lucky enough to win i’d like to donate it to made4aid to help Haiti.

    Blessings to you lovely lady xJ

  114. Wendy Wirth says:

    I’d love to be entered in your drawing. Stop by my blogs to be entered in mine.


  115. KathyL says:

    I adore this piece and so appreciate you explaining the sentiment behind it! Just lovely. Please enter me!

  116. Your work is gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win!

  117. Jody says:

    Wow, I love the piece you created for this event. Your giveaway is fabulous! I would love a chance to win. Please add my name to your drawing!

  118. Micki says:

    What a gorgeous piece! Please enter me!

  119. Donna says:

    Hello from Georgia, USA!! I’m really having fun flying from blog to blog and seeing so much talent!
    I’m new to the art world and overwhelmed by all the different kinds of art I might could learn.
    Please enter me and thank you for your generosity!

  120. Dawn Gold says:


    owoh #82

  121. Debby says:

    Your collage painting is heavenly! Please enter me in the draw, and be sure to stop by my blog to enter my giveaway. (#922)

    Heavenly Humor

  122. Carol says:

    What an amazing piece of artwork! I think you are very talented! Please count me in for your giveaway!

  123. Melissa says:

    Thanks for the giveaway!!

  124. Lynda Taylor says:

    Hello from Victoria, Australia
    Such a lovely painting.
    Please enter me into the draw.
    Thanks. Lynda.

  125. Patricia says:

    Lovely collage painting! Please count me in. Enjoy your magic carpet ride. #276

  126. rachel small says:

    Wow! What a fab giveaway! Love it! Please count me in and feel free to stop by my Blog and check out my giveaway!

    Isn’t this a fantastic event?

    Hope your having a great weekend!

    Much Love

  127. Thank you for inviting me to stop by your blog and enter your giveaway.

    I would love for you to visit me at (#903) and enter my giveaway to win 2 pairs of handmade earrings.

  128. “What we really seek is a perpetual opening, a ceaseless unfolding, until we become so expansive that everything else is part of us, and we of it.” I couldn’t agree with you more!

  129. Sandra says:

    I would love to be in your wonderful drawing.


  130. Lyndy Ward says:

    Greetings & Salutations,
    Enchanting Painting OWOH Giveaway!
    Lovely Blog.

    Fly by my blog when you get a chance…
    Forbidden Planet Giveaway #242 On The List @:

    Cosmic Blessings´¨)
    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´Lyndy Ward

    P.S. I will be announcing three winners on 2/15/10. AND if I’m lucky enough to win any treasure, that booty will be displayed as well. AND the OWOH Giveaway win(s) will remain on my blog in Awards & Contests for eternity.

  131. TERE says:

    Hello from California! :)
    Enjoying your blog.
    Lovely give away.
    Tere Carns

    off on a magic carpet ride! * whoosh *
    #956 – Delightful Whimsy-

  132. Peggy Gorman says:

    Beautiful blog and a stunning artwork! I am flying on my magic carpet ,visiting from Connecticut. Thanks for the lovely giveaway I am blog #937

  133. Connie says:

    Hi Carol!

    WOW! What a wonderful painting! Please count me in.

    I’m #818 Studio 64-Chicago on the magic carpet. If you haven’t already done so, please stop by for a chance at my giveaway too.

    Hope to see you there!

    mrscmc7 at gmail dot com

  134. juliet says:

    I am visiting with One World one Heart.
    I hope you are enjoying visiting all the blogs too.
    Please enter me into your draw.
    Your Painting is delightful.
    Best wishes Juliet.

  135. MissKoolAid says:

    Beautiful collage painting. And your words are spot on! I would love a chance to win.
    Sophie in Montreal

  136. Barbara says:

    What a wonderful painting! I love it. Please enter me into your drawing.

  137. Aik says:

    I’d love to enter! Thanks!

  138. Piroska says:

    Simply beautiful…
    I’d love the chance to enter…

  139. Cathy Horner says:

    Hi Carol, very emotional and beautiful painting, thanks for sharing with us. Love the intensity of colors. with love from Tennessee #1035

  140. FABULOUS OFFERING!! Please enter my name in your drawing :) What a FUN event…enjoy the ride!!

    Angie–Southeast, Texas #57

  141. Angela says:

    I have found your blog through OWOH. I love the journal cover and the painting you are offering for your giveaway is stunning. I would love to be in with a chance to win. Hugs Angela

  142. sara says:

    lovely lovely giveaway hugs Sara. stop by mine if you get time #1070

  143. Jenea says:

    Hi dear!!! I like your idea! It’s very Awesome! I wish to ALL who will participate in this wondefull give-away, Big Good Luck! Yohooooo! ;)

  144. mitz says:

    this is ** clarity-riffic** thanks for the
    opportunity.. .. t c

  145. Shellie Seering says:

    Your piece is awesome! Thank you for sharing your talents with us.

  146. Sue says:

    I love the painting. It has a great deal of meaning. I have had fun looking around your blog. Please include me in your drawing.

  147. Your giveaway looks awesome. I would love to win.

  148. Grace says:

    Please include me in your wonderful giveaway. What a fun blog to visit on the magic carpet. Thank you for sharing!


  149. Love your painting and collage work! Thank you for your generous giveaway. I hope you are enjoying the carpet ride too! Please be sure to visit my blog at #833! Rebecca in Connecticut, USA

  150. Bev Muir says:

    What a beautiful painting.Would love to be able to do something like that Well done

  151. Oooo this is beautiful! What an honour it would be to win! I’ll keep my fingers crossed! Please count me in:) Hugs, Rowena xxx

  152. Terra Heck says:

    What a beautiful painting! Please count me in to win.

  153. maureen says:

    I love it – the piece as well as the description. you are very talented! please toss my name in the hat and if you have a chance, stop by and enter my giveaway!

  154. Missy says:

    I love your painting ! Please enter me ♥

    Missy ~ Winnipeg , Canada
    seksi_missy at hotmail dot com

  155. Lisa W. says:

    Please enter my name. :0) I am also having a giveaway and would love for you to stop by. #1025

  156. Top Floor T says:

    Hi from England! Beautiful giveaway! Please enter my name, thank you :)

    If you haven’t already, please visit my blog at #711 on the magic carpet to win a designer Cath Kidston bag, handmade by me!

  157. Marianne says:

    Hello from Utah!
    Wow! What a great painting you are giving away! You are so talented! Please count me in on your drawing!
    Have a terrific day!

  158. Cherry says:

    So nice to meet you and visit your blog. Please add me to the drawing for your giveaway. I’d love for you to come visit me when you have the time!

  159. aj says:

    Greetings from Manila, Philippines! Thanks for the giveaway ( :


    A_C_E_ at hotmail dot com

  160. Regina says:

    This is just wonderful! I love it.

    Regina :>

  161. Deirdra Doan says: Come see my doll giveaway…she would love your painting…they are the same colors.

  162. Maya says:

    What a great give-away event, please count me in!

    Greetings from the Netherlands.

  163. Peggy Alborn says:

    How cool is this! Please enter my name.

  164. Michelle says:

    How pretty. I would love to be entered into you drawing. So glad OWOH brought me to your blog. :-)


  165. martina Hart says:

    this is beautiful. Thanks for entering my name

  166. dgmidkiff says:

    What a lovely giveaway and what a pleasure it’s been to visit your blog. Be sure to stop by and enter my drawing.

  167. Lisa Gatz says:

    well it’s 11:30 Pacific time so I’m hoping I can still enter. I love your giveaway!

  168. Kersten says:

    Beautiful art, please add my name to your drawing. Thank you! :)

  169. Jenn says:

    Greetings from Virginia.
    Oh wow… what a beautiful painting! Great blog you have too! Please enter my name into your fabulous drawing for a chance to win.

    Also, I would love for you to stop by my blog to enter my giveaway – #548.

  170. Ellen Lai says:

    Simply lovely! Thanks for the chance to win your beautiful creations!

    Do visit me at #976 (, if you haven’t, to win a personalised tatted nametag!

  171. Jamaise says:

    I feel really bad about using a copy and paste canned comment, but I have over 500 more stops to make all today & I still have to stop to make dinner and things like that.

    Each and every stop I make is an individual piece given to the OWOH event from the kindness & fun spirit of an individual person. I wish I could continue to comment individually:)

    I hope you’ll visit Wishing Penny #916

  172. janil says:

    Wonderful art!
    please, pick me up!
    cal_rubies at yahoo dot es

  173. Shariyah says:

    What a stunning give-away, your painting is just beautiful! I would love a chance to win! If you haven’t already, please stop by and enter my give-away for the chance to win 1 of 3 prizes… my drawing is in about 6 hrs (at 6pm) as it is already the 15th here in New Zealand…so exciting!
    Nice meeting you, and thank you for the generous give-away!
    Peace & Love

  174. Beverly says:

    oh my last day, I am so excited to see if I win any of the wonderful prizes. Good luck on the drawings. visit

  175. Ev Scott says:

    It’s been great fun – travelling all over the world on the Magic Carpet. Wanted to pop in and say Hi from another Canadian. Glad to have the chance to visit your blog.

  176. Tina says:

    Gorgeous! Very inspirational piece.
    Waving to you from western shores of Canada


  177. Christy says:

    wow that’s amazing! thank you for the chance!

  178. Pingback: And the winner is . . . . « Silverspring Studio

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